A Brief History

Records show there has been a house on this site for a few centuries and at one time it served as a coach house for old road long since disappeared. Our own records date from 1734 when the house was extended and a brick frontage added and it has seen many alterations since then.


Aerial Veiw 1965In 1855 the house with 7 acres of land changed hands for £450, in 1955 it was bought by Rosie and Tom Johnson for £400 which was a lot of money to save on farm labourers wages so Tom boosted his income by catching and selling rabbits. The house was in a sorry state and there was no motor access from the main road but one step through the gateway and they had made their decision to buy it.

With 6 young children the Johnson family moved from west Herefordshire to Moors Meadow, the 7th child, Ros, was born a few years later. The land was worked as a smallholding and market garden for many years, keeping chickens, pigs, cows and bees along with other fowl and animals, there were mixed orchards and a large vegetable patch all a lot of very hard work but for all that tasty fresh organic food it was worth it.

Aerial view 1999Over the years the ornamentals took over more of the land, Rosie and Tom both had a great passion for plants and propagated nearly all of them from seed.

In 1999 when Rosie was on her own Ros moved back home and together started to plant in any available space. Most of the plants are still grown from seed but sometimes a plant is sourced from a small specialist nursery.

The garden is still organic and most of the materials used have been recycled, some of the old farm implements can still be seen. It was decided to open the garden to the public in 2001 and share it's beauty with others.