This Month

This Month September 2023 - Wednesday, 30 Aug 2023

Things just got a little more difficult in the garden, I have seen two deer which could result in a lot of damage. I am trying to deter them by walking around more often. It is nice to see them but they could destroy too much, I have already found two special plants they have killed so I have to persevere with frequent ramblings no matter how tired I am by the end of the day.
Usually I have an easier time in the summer but this year it has been non-stop work. I am now well into the annual cut of the long grass and whilst some can be done with a rough topper a lot has to be strimmed due to all the trees and shrubs making it impassable with machinery. On the plus side due to the maturing plants the grass is getting much thinner, that is my intention in all but a few patches where the grass and flowers make good patches which host a plethora of insects, the butterflies seem more plentiful this year.
I am working through some of my new ideas one of these was to try to reduce the grass on the right bank of the lower garden just below the stone seat at the top of the area. I wanted something fairly low so the view is not lost, indeed I wanted it to be lower than the tallest grass heads, I also wanted something with colour. It also has to stand up to any grass that would try to encroach and make good clumps. I decided on Hemerocalis (Day Lily) so with this in mind I ordered a lot of plants all of different colour. Some very good plants soon arrived and all but one or two had two or even three plants of each variety in it’s little bundle. As there were so many I decided to temporarily plant them in a vegetable bed and deal with them a few at a time as I had so many other jobs to do at the same time. I am also adding some Crocosmia to this area.
I hope I am not taking on too many jobs at once, I know that I am very tired by the end of the day but hopefully once the long grass is cleared I can concentrate on the rest and soon get the many plants in pots into the ground. There is still some vigorous herbaceous plants that need cutting back before they seed whilst others will be left until late winter. I also want to prune a few trees before the leaves fall to take out any dead branches whilst the leaves make the task easier.
The autumn colours and scents are pushing out the summer feel around the garden with plants such as Oxydendrum arboreum (Sorrel Tree) looking stunning with its Lily-of-the-valley-like flowers and the leaves turning scarlet. The mornings and evenings are also getting cool but I am hoping the fires will not need lighting yet as that makes even more work.

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