This Month

This Month September 2024 - Sunday, 01 Sep 2024

August disappeared in a haze of ouches with very minimal work achieved. Hopefully September will prove more productive or I will go into winter with a lot more to do than usual. I have been strimming the long grass but am having to pace myself quite slowly and still have quite a lot to do. I had hoped to be further ahead with clearing some of the herbaceous areas but bending is too painful for long. I would like to say I have been able to relax but sitting for even a short time was uncomfortable. At least I am now back up to two strims a day with a little light tidying between, interspersed with several short breaks with a book on the veranda. I hope I will really be able to knuckle down soon so I can catch up with myself as I have a few new planting areas in mind and a lot of plants waiting to go in them.
On the plus side a friend dragged me away to a plant fair, of course as you can imagine I didn’t want to go but thought it would be rude not to! Some new plants found their way back home with me, along with some more on sale at a garden centre we stopped at on the way home. These are waiting to be planted but at least I do know where most of them will go. Several, such as various Kniphofia, Agapanthus and Sedum are for the new hot bed in the kitchen garden. Eupatorium Elegance, which is a variegated Eupatorium, and Arundo donax are for the sunken garden. There are a few plants for the oak circle and the herb garden and after that there are not too many to find spaces for. I just need a bit of energy and damper soil and the job will soon be done.
Since then I have also been to a nursery plant sale and another plant fair as well as any nurseries we passed on the way so there are now even more plants waiting for me to wield the trusty spade, including two trees, at least I know where one of these are going.
The colours are starting to change, most noticeable being a large Acer now with orange hints on the leaves and Kalopanax septemlobus turning yellow, this is usually the first tree to drop its leaves in autumn. I hope it is a good year for the autumn colours as last year was only a fizzle rather than a starburst of colour.
It is just a few days to my book launch in Bromyard at Food For All book shop on Thursday 5th September 11am to 5pm. My book, ‘Gardening By The Seat Of Your Pants’, will be available to buy from there and other outlets (yet to be decided) as well as direct from me. I am pleased to have had good feedback from the ones already sold.

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