This Month

This Month August 2024 - Wednesday, 31 Jul 2024

Well, where has July gone, no sooner has it arrived than it is disappearing, just a faded memory. I am not even sure I can remember what I have been doing, just general tidying. Oh, I have finally got around to clearing a bed at the end of the greenhouse and have been planting some exotic-looking plants. Several Eucomis I grew from seed, some different Kniphofia, Agapanthus and grasses. I am going to add a Banksia canei but need to dig in some sand or grit.
I have also cleared an area below the sunken garden ready for planting. It was where the Gunnera manicata was planted but due to reduced water table these were barely showing above ground, I have moved them into the damp sunken garden in the hope that they will grow to their previous stature with leaves 8ft (2.4m) across. They may now be classed as invasive but they are certainly not invasive here. I am trying to decide what to put where there is now a gap and am leaning toward putting massed Hemerocallis for their vibrant colours and due to already having some lower down that area. I would split some of the large clumps from other areas but those are in areas where there is ground elder as Day Lilies are good at suppressing it. I do not want to accidentally move that to more places.
On the few hot  days I have been working in the shady shrubberies either doing a summer prune of dead branches or tidying undergrowth to reveal places I can do some more planting. It is pleasant working in those cooler places but with still being warm enough for my summer work clothes and then relaxing on the warmer veranda. I am making mental lists of what I can plant but I am not sure that I will remember when it comes to getting those plants or splitting them from other areas. I will be turning my thoughts to starting the late summer strim of the long grass where the flower seeds have already ripened and dropped. I am also going to do the summer prune of the Apple trees. I usually prune these trees in winter but if done in summer they do not put on so much growth and so will take less work long term. In fact it has gone 7am so I will just finish this cuppa and get on with some of those jobs now while it is cool as it is promising to be another hot day.
For anyone who lives in or near Bromyard I am holding a book launch in the Food For All book shop in town. It is a good shop where I often like to browse and buy the excellent local books they sell. The launch is Thursday 5th September 11am to 2pm, come in and meet the person who tends Moors Meadow Gardens and have a chat with the chance to buy my book ‘Gardening By The Seat Of Your Pants’ at a special offer price.

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