This Month

This Month May 2024 - Wednesday, 01 May 2024

I am writing this at the end of a day off to go to a plant fair. I was very restrained and only bought a few plants and I do know where most of them are going, a job I am looking forward to in the morning and then I must get on with some work in the kitchen garden. I am so far behind with the vegetable planting although the soil is still cold and once I get them in the ground I am sure they will catch up.
My mind is focused on the 16th June and the garden festival, it is the last one I am going to do as it takes up so much time mentally as well as physically. I do hope it will raise a lot for the hospice and the weather is kind.
Unfortunately I am trying to do most things one-handed, impossible when it comes to strimming, the arthritis in my left hand is playing up so I am again having to review my work. Hopefully it will ease a little with less use but I cannot rest, sitting doing nothing is just not me. Of course I could delegate if there was someone to delegate to but even if there was someone I find that difficult as I like things done my way and neatly. Unfortunately a lot of people do not see the little gems at their feet and I cringe when plants are stood on.
Most of my new plants are for around the oak circle, an area which is now many different ferns interspersed with numerous woodland plants. I even succumbed to trying a gorgeous Cypripedium (Hardy Orchid), at least I hope it is hardy and will be happy in it’s new situation.
I bought Olearia x mollis Zennorensis which is a border-line hardy evergreen shrub with lovely narrow olive-green sharply-toothed leaves. I will plant it in the upper garden near an Olearia Macrodonta which is thriving in this position. I have since noticed that I already have O. Zennorensis in the lower garden but in a position where it does get a little nipped by frosts.
I was pleased to be able to mow in late April after a few dry days and I am jolly glad I did as the rain didn’t stop away for too long. I have never know such a long spell of wet weather or a time when I am still in thermals at the beginning of May.
On one outing I came home with Magnolia Fairy Cream which I have since planted in the Magnolia bed in the lower garden. I already have Magnolia Fairy Blush which was planted under pines in the upper garden several years ago and seems very happy there. It is a good Magnolia if you do not have too much space.
The shrubs and other flowers are not grumbling about the weather, unlike me, as they are all very floriferous, lush and healthy looking. The Embothrium are now in flower so too is the mature Davidia involucrata (Handkerchief Tree) and yesterday I noticed that the teenage Davidia in the lower garden is flowering for the first time. I was only at the top of the lower garden glancing down so I must make an expedition down for a closer look. As I have some plants for the sunken garden I will be down in that direction very soon.
Don’t forget 16th June 11am to 4pm, we have planned a great day with oodles of cake, tankards of tea, a melody of music, a beefy blacksmith, a plethora of plants and, of course, the garden to explore which is looking fantastic. You can even come and have a chat to me if you so wish. There will also be books for sale, yes, finally I have finished shouting at my computer and all its glitches. You are the first to know that I have published and will have a chance to purchase it on 16th June or any other time you visit the garden. I will also be selling it by post. Contact me if you would like one. Oh, its name “Gardening By The Seat Of Your Pants”.

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