21. Herb Garden

Herb Garden As you go from the Kitchen to the Herb garden you walk under a Wisteria, planted approx. 1970, it is twisted and gnarled and the spectacular lilac flowers have an overwhelming fragrance. The herb beds are laid out formally each one having several different species. The stone slabs in the middle and on the seat were previously used in the house pantry to salt pigs on for bacon. The beds are surrounded by herbaceous borders, in front of the house are Passionflower, Campsis and Carpenteria Californica.
The path left leads round the house to the veranda via a little slate path where there is a New Zealand bush lawyer and Actinidia kolomikta a twining climber with leaves often splashed with creamy-white and pink.



Please click on either the numbers on the map or the descriptions below for more information on each area of the gardens.

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